The following are the views of a writer, journalist and artist who forged a career out of travelling the world and covering the odd and unusual before spending a quarter of a century on the inside of international banking in the City of London.
Friday, 26 February 2010
Look at it! It's all over me. My nuts have grown, my dick has shrunk! It's the hair! It's sucking the life out of me! Help!
Thursday, 25 February 2010
A Friend of mine read yesterday's blog and told me to be careful of ever expressing any rage after you get grey hair. They put angry people with grey hair in homes where they can remove it with medication. I have promised my wife and kids that I will never express any more anger. Even when my wife treats me like an idiot and when my kids treat me with disregard. I will be calm always. Better tranquility without medication where I can at least decide which TV I want to watch, than medicated tranquility where I can't move enough to change the music.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
As one gets older one is torn in two ways. There is one side that is quieter, more resigned, less competitive. One the other is a rage that cannot be expressed. The rage of the grey heads is too ridiculous to merit serious consideration. It is a rage that smolders when people look through you like you are not there; don't listen to you because they think they've already heard what you have to say; use everything because they think you've already had your share.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
A troubador with a toy guitar sits gazing at a far off star. He wonders when the words will come. He wants to let the feelings run. The days of youth are gone. The working days are through. He sits at home all day long with little or nothing to do. Age is cast aside like dried grass burnt by the sun. Clawed hands loose their grip. And memories from the mind slip. I am done. I am done.
Gray Dourman
Monday, 22 February 2010
A long time ago, in another land, I was well known, respected and in general, understood. Now I am a stranger, an alien, the originator of outlandish ideas that have no following whatsoever. Nobody comes to find out what I'm thinking or doing. I believe it is because my hair was black then and now it is grey. It seems to me hair colour is fundamental to image perception. Grey registers irrelevance, obstruction, senility. And who cares what senile old men think?
Friday, 19 February 2010
Stone grey sky,
Lonely women cry.
Their men have gone to war,
Their men have gone to die.
On the shingled shore,
Frozen to the core,
They've heard the lie before.
They won't hear it anymore.
Gray Dourman
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Dark waters ripple beneath the bridge and bounce the morning light back into my eyes. I know the water is cold and the current runs too swiftly to swim against. Yet I feel strangely compelled to plunge into it, to let its force carry me away to whatever shore chance make take me. I grip the railing. My knuckles turn white. I want to vault into the crisp winter morning and yet I trudge on like the hollow men. The city smokes on the other side of the river and I am resigned to inhaling its poison. My only reward, fine wine, gorgeous food and beautiful women.
Gray Dourman
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
I'm not the parent of a severly disabled child. My son is not a drug addict (yet). My wife is not a transvestite. So what do I have to say that's worth publishing? What do I know that most everyone else doesn't. I've travelled ( a lot). I've been rich. I've been poor. Been published. Had my paintings hung. My songs recorded. So what? Worked in a big bank, busted rock in a quarry. What have I learned? What can I share? Who's out there...anywhere? I've always been compelled to write. Some of it is even worth reading. Some of it was evidently worth buying. But like the real world, most of it is just air. My endeavour is keep on digging until I find something worth knowing. Thanks for joining me.
Monday, 15 February 2010
There are times when the news of collateral damage deeply disturbs but are there really any innocent bystanders. Are not we all participants in the emerging events of life? Can we stand by and watch as war rages, babies are born, markets collapse, daughters are married and not be touched, not be moved, not be frightened. Ask not for whom the bell tolls. Ask not does it toll for thee. We are not alone. What happens to you. Happens to me.
Gray Dourman
Friday, 12 February 2010
Last night watching an old episode of Conan O'Brien's Tonight Show I saw an old band called Foreigner. They were big in the late 70's early 80's. I was shocked and confused. Where was the dignity? Some Steve Tyler look alike prancing around like a withered dildo in tight red trousers wobbling his booty rather than shaking it. If we deserved respect, we have to act like we merit it. Pandering for praise, mutton dressed up like lamb, the computer based audio enhancement, the pancake make up, the tinted glasses to hide the wrinkles is laughing in father time's face and father time has served us too well for too long to treat him with such disregard.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
The Rise and Rise of the Military
Again. It's happening all over again. Everything is about dead soldiers. Soldiers who died protecting me. I heard it as a kid when there was fighting in Korea. I heard it when they asked me to go to Viet Nam. I heard it when they were beefing over the Falklands, Iraq...etc. etc. etc....I didn't believe it then and I don't believe it now. Support the side you believe in by all means, but keep out...troops on foreign's colonialism by any name...Millions to Haiti...Billions to kill a few religious zealots...doesn't add up to me
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
I left cyberspace and now I'm back. ...
I left cyberspace and now I'm back. Two things brought me back. The first was the embarrassment I felt watching The Who perform at the Super Bowl. Two electronically supported old codgers hacking away, out of tune, out of time, out of ideas. Retire gracefully, I plead. To everything there is a season. Don't buy into that utterly narcissistic idea that you're only as old as you feel. That's quite clearly dillusional as demonstrated here.
The second experience was also media, BBC's The Virtual Revolution. The good doctor who writes and presents this profound, thought provoking, visually beautiful television, has opened my sleepy eyes and inspired me to think again. I am updating my .com, rejuventating my myspace and starting a facebook. I don't know where I'm going, but I'll let you know when I get there.
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