The response of the Republicans to the passage of the health care bill is a disgrace. The outrageous language and misinformation emanating from spokespeople…i.e. compulsory health insurance is the first time any American government has demanded its citizens buy something. Try driving a car without insurance. This one small example of how once people get into a position of power and privilege they cannot let go of it without terrorising and oppressing the people waiting for their turn to enjoy the fruits of their labour. In the UK it is the independent school system sucking resources, good teachers and through their charitable tax status and network of alumni scholarships, the best and brightest emerging from the state primary system, leaving worthy, enthusiastic, valuable children to the mercy of less experienced but well meaning teachers and headmasters. The results is class divide inappropriate in a 21st century that has fought long and hard through the preceding centuries for equality and respect for the contribution each hard working, brave and dedicated citizen has made to everyone’s well being. The nurses, soldiers, refuse collectors, bus drivers….etc…make this world just as habitable as the corporate magnate, the lawyer, the banker. Yet who controls the wealth? Who gets to decide who gets a quality education, and therefore social position and opportunities for elevation? Those who have, those who control, those who would kill to keep. Hurray to Obama and his brave fight. Stand up, stand up for your rights. Start by removing charitable tax status from the independent school sector in the UK.
Gray Dourman
The following are the views of a writer, journalist and artist who forged a career out of travelling the world and covering the odd and unusual before spending a quarter of a century on the inside of international banking in the City of London.
Monday, 22 March 2010
Thursday, 18 March 2010

Take young men,
Tell them of partition,
Of torture and tyranny,
Suffered by their ancestors,
When they lived in the colony.
Educated, strong and free,
Trap them in a place
Where they never see a friendly face,
Outside the family.
Send rockets, missiles and guns,
To slaughter their loved ones,
In the old countries beyond the sea.
Give them a voice,
Then fear what they say,
Give them a choice,
Then slight the God to whom they pray.
Jihad brothers lay down your arms.
Walk away.
Jihad sisters employ your charms.
Lets build bridges...Let's build a better day.
Gray Dourman
Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Greece is just one illustration of the pervasive cynicism of greed. Not only the corruption and deceit engendered by tax evading freebooters but also the way banks have used money provided by beleaguered taxpayers to attack the very governments who provided them with the bailouts. Fraud at Lehmans, fraud in Milan, Madoff, shrugged off as just so much financial engineering. And what do these greed sated goofballs buy with their booty...yatchs, women, diamonds etc. etc. etc. Will they pass through the eye of the needle. I think not.
Wednesday, 10 March 2010

I heard the news today. Alzheimers is on the ramage in America. Zombies walking around forgetting people's names, forgetting where they live, forgetting the life they led. Modern medicine keeps the body alive and the mind withers. What's the point. Wouldn't it be better not to prolong the physical beyond the ability of the mind to co-exist comfortably. It's a bit like a married couple where the wife, enamoured by plastic surgery becomes a living manniquin, while the husband lets nature takes its course. The Alzheimers victim become a stranger in their own bodies. Let nature take care of us.
Gray Dourman
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Out the mouth, no one is listening. What is to be said? Quiet the mind, but it is not dead. The voices babble inside the skull. The ideas whirl from brilliant to dull. The life has been lived, the money spent, the body abused, vessel empty and now the waiting begins. The life leaks away, carried away in the urine stream. What is left but reflection and regret? The creaking body rises from bed. Blindly hoping you'll be better off dead.
Gray Dourman
Monday, 8 March 2010
There is always a point in someone's life when someone else tries to tell you how to do something. They call it teaching. It is as fundamental to the human character as eating or talking. It forms and perpetuates the culture an individual is born into. Cultural evolution and adaptation emerge from the process of teaching. We are what we were taught.
Put down those books and walk into the wilderness naked. Learn, but refuse to be taught.
Gray Dourman
Friday, 5 March 2010
Thursday, 4 March 2010

Years ago I was working with a rock band that was playing to about ten to fifteen people every night of the week. Fed up the bass player turned up his volume. The lead guitarist followed suit to prevent being drowned out. The drummer and the vocalist retaliated in kind. Two years later they were playing at ear splitting volume to adoring thousands. The more extreme the envornment, the more extreme the entertainment media becomes, the stimulated the audience, the louder, flashier, more fantastic, the more...the more....The voice of gentle reason is submerged and entertainment looks for thrills rather than education and enlightenment. Can we ever turn the volume back down?
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Nothing much to say. Dreary in every way. Micheal Foot, a modern hero, died today.
Gray Dourman
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
You wake up and follow the routine. You move through the days toward the inevitable end. The colours change, a little. The faces are all different but all the same. So many style of shoe but they all have toes and heals. Life just drifts away, day by day by day. Watch it disappear, tear by tear by year.
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