expert blog reviews

Friday, 23 December 2011


What a year!  Eurogedon and U.S. troops out of Iraq.  If that wasn't enough...well it was thanks...the discovery of a particle that travelled faster than the speed of light...maybe...the possibility that the Higgs Boson could actually be there...but neither is definitive yet.  I'm out here...the kids grown up...the wife well..the wife.  I'm past hope...but I keep hoping...what else is there to do?

Merry Christmas

Friday, 16 December 2011


Just as a day of worthy labour brings peaceful sleep so a life well lived brings welcome death...Da Vinci..

Thursday, 15 December 2011


There was a gloating equity trader in London who expressed his delight that the latest set of employment stats showed a dramatic rise in the number of self employed.  What he didn't realise is that self employed people do not in the main save for their future, nor do they pay taxes at the same rates, nor do they create more employment as effectively as employees of large and medium, well organised and effective businesses.  Mexico and Brasil and Nigeria all have a very high percentage of self employed.  They are characteristic of underdeveloped, unsophisticated economies with large underclasses of disadvantaged people.  "The Markets" which are exacerbating sovereign and corporate debt problems by setting too stringent criteria for lending would be delighted with such an outcome as the rich can protect themselves with the force of the state and private collusion.  It is time to share the pain.  The state and corporate communities must come to understand that egalitarianism creates a more civilised environment in which to enjoy the benefits of prosperity.

Gray Dourman  

Wednesday, 14 December 2011


Nations states are as corrupt as collaborative alliances.  Corruption and fudging the rules is part and parcel of politics so we just have to challenge when we can and live with it when we can't.  So here is the way I see the emergence of collective human politics and the extinction of the nation state.

I hate to say it, but I have to agree with Sarkozy, the fraud and greed which caused this economic crisis was not overregulation but under-regulation and regulation constrained by national borders.  Had Greece been audited by functioning Euro bureaucracy it never would have got into the Euro in the first place.  It was audited and it balance sheets submitted by a London/NewYork alliance of private interest in the name of Goldman Sachs and KPMG supported by Moodys the very institutions our Mr. Cameron is seeking to protect.  Doesn't he smell just as bad as lying Eurocrats.

1. Globalisation and the interconnection of economies and communications stimulates homogenisation of rules and transactions.  Look at how tax avoidance regimes have been identified and pressured over the past two years.  Within a decade tax avoidance facilitated by national borders with have all but eliminated.

2. At the same time, while macro economy societies emerge diversified micro social societies emerge through communications and specific groupings of interests supported by social networking facilitated through technology.

The outcome: more economic union and more cultural diversity.

We were warned at the beginning of this decade that globalisation would have a price, but it would be a price worth paying.  I am hurting hard through this mess but I believe the hurt will sort itself and the world will emerge more unified and better off as per the distribution of wealth and the quality of life and more diversified where language, music, art and independence of thought are encouraged.  After that we can get on with understanding and putting the Higgs Boson to work.

Gray Dourman

Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Waiting for Santa...wanting past...even life doesn't last...all fits and sand...arranging the parts for every member of the band...and yet the angels wait...atop the the alcoves...will I be home in time...will those left behind still be mine...

Happy Holidays..
Gray Dourman

Friday, 9 December 2011


Our Prime Minister has caved in to backbenchers and those nostalgic Britons who long
to be a great power again and don't mind getting there by driving working people into poverty. William Hague displays his own
particular delirium by suggesting that we can replace Europe as an export market by competing in places like Latin America. Yeah
right, lets compete with the working conditions and human rights of China and Korea while we're at it. It is an illusion to think
that we can compete with other economies without reducing our living standards and the people it will hurt most are those who do not
have the deep pockets of the 'Upper Middle Class'. Sure David Cameron had the balls to stand up for Financial Services...but I don't
think Financial Services has covered itself with glory...or deserves to be stood up for...and if you want to really know what's up in
Financial Charles Ferguson's Academy Award winning 'Inside Job' on your BBC've got 5 days left.

In the mean time enjoy the illusion that David is really Winston Churchill and WWII was our finest hour. The sooner we understand
that we are Europeans...the better...

Gray Dourman

Wednesday, 7 December 2011


Historical fiction can informative, educational and often entertaining but although the core human characteristics have remained largely unchanged over the evolution of mankind and literature, the social context within which those characteristics are expressed has changed dramatically. Readers tell me they read historical fiction in order to be transported to another time and another place among other motivations such as wanting to escape their current time and place. The trick to a really successful historical novel is to create the past but to lace it with contemporary meaning. Murder has been with us from the beginning but the social reaction to murder has transformed from culture to culture, from generation to generation. To create a dialogue with the reader focussing on the varied reactions of individuals and cultures to murder in the 18th Century and by implication contrasting with murder in his or her current context, is not only challenging for the author but also rewarding when the alchemy is right and the trick succeeds.

Friday, 2 December 2011


The smugness and arrogance of privilege as expressed by the likes of Cameron, Osborne and Clarkson, not to mention Murdoch, Hague, Duncan-Smith and Green when sympathy and excuses are muttered over the fall of fat cats like Fox who fed his friends from the coffers of the land, the same 'Little Britons' who spread the scurrilous idea that we face economic crisis because working people in Britain want too much and don't work hard enough, is a blight on democracy.  The collective delusion that austerity ever fixed anything is ridiculous.  Show me that  hunter gatherers survived when they stopped hunting and hunkered down in their caves to save energy in the vain hope that available game would wander by when the weather got better.  Anthropology shows that the successful strategy is some hunkering and some seeking.  The conservative ideology is wedded to austerity because they know their pockets are deeper than those of working people and they can starve those workers back into slavery.   Working people tossed monarchy out of America and France.  Working people fought Germany and Japan.  Working people will prevail if they remember that they created the wealth and  take democratic steps, which includes free assembly and the right to strike, to protect the right to a say on how it is spent.

Gray Dourman  

Thursday, 1 December 2011


And occupy Jeremy Clarkson's mouth as the BBC has not fired this jackass I cannot fathom...if a Muslim said all TV presenters should be taken out and shot they'd be in jail...but Jeremy, David Cameron's neighbour and best friend is not alone among top earners in Little Britain...which has deflecting the economic debate away from greedy, thieving bankers and onto profligate, democratic governments...and somehow they are now suggesting that working people deserve to have a 10% fall in real income and a 60% loss in savings because they didn't work hard enough.  Can this be right?

Gray Dourman


Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Ken was a great film-maker.  The Music Lovers, the finest bending of music and image ever achieved in cinema or video, and Women in Love would stand as testament to a life worth living if had done nothing more.  We come and go.  We stand and fall.  What we leave behind marks the path we followed.

Gray Dourman

Friday, 25 November 2011


It is a source of great pride among many English historians that English companies were in the vanguard of developing and protecting the well being and rights of its workers.  It is one of many reasons that this country is so wonderful.  It is what made it so livable and wealthy.  Wealth and prosperity are spurred by exploiting creativity and opportunity.  We never know who will discover what, where and what they will apply it to.  England and America were the early adapters of these liberal ideas.  Whenever conservatives attempted to confine the ability to generate wealth to a small sector of the society, it has gone terribly wrong.  It happened in America in the 50s and 2000s and in England in the 70s and 80s and is threatening to happen again.

It seems to me that too many brilliant and well meaning people have been involved in the development of the Euro for it to be tossed away as 'bull'.  Just because it is being attacked doesn't mean that it will fall.  Sports and markets show us many examples of how persistence in the face of what appears to be insurmountable odds bring victory.  This is my hope for the Euro.

The sun is shining and it is warm here.  The light is dazzling as I sip dark coffee from my steaming cup.

Gray Dourman

Thursday, 24 November 2011


Is it credible that UK goods could compete in markets where there is a marked difference in the cost of production because of disparities in wages and working conditions?  Would we want to run down the living standards of democratically supported working people in developed economies or would we rather raise those standards in less developed economies with non-democratic regimes?  Does it comfort you to watch wealth migrate to the wealthy from the working?

We must have large and well regulated markets wherein we can trade without damaging ourselves and others.  The Eurozone and North America are two such markets.  Break up the Eurozone and you break up our largest and most secure market.  Break it up why?  Because they sought to standardise how much meat should be contained in what they call a sausage?  Let's expand good practice to the Far East and Latin America and ultimately Africa and the Middle East.  Let's not cave in to for example that Singapore asshole who lectured Jeremy Paxman on how Europeans don't work hard enough.  Yes let's go back to work shall we!  I'd love a job punching rivets for pennies a day and no entitlements so that jackass can prosper.

Gray Dourman

You can buy my book at ....

Tuesday, 22 November 2011


My recent endorsement of UKIP's Farage's European Parliament speech has caused a lot of confusion amongst friends and followers.  I am not turning Eurosceptic.  I remain a committed non-nationalist.  I steadfastly support the idea of a global currency and financial system, removing all borders and tariffs and extending benefits, entitlements and social and medical support to everyone in the world.  While Mr. Farage is correct in his observations regarding the market led non democratic actions of the non-elected Commission (although they would say they were appointed by democratically elected representatives) his solution of withdrawing from engagement in Europe, is demonstrably incorrect.  Perhaps the reason why Germany is dominating Euro politics at the moment is precisely because the UK did not join the single currency.  We are all human.  Our destiny is collective.  The righteous must speak out against selfish and defend the evolution of liberty, freedom of speech and the right to disagree.

Gray Dourman

Thursday, 10 November 2011


              Is it possible that there is a conspiracy, well perhaps a loose collective intention, by a significant element of right wing conservatives in the international bond market to pressure sovereign governments into privatising assets which would then fall into the hands of right wing conservatives?  Insisting that technocrats decide policy, particularly policy associated with the disposal of public assets, rather than democratically elected officials is a dangerous and unhealthy development in the evolution of the European debt paradigm.  The argument that technocrats know more and understand the situation better does not wash.  Technocrats created the credit crunch in the first place.  Now they want to profit from it.  We elected our politicians and we can replace them.  We did not elect the technocrats and we cannot replace them.  We must be vigilant.  I do not want my children to have to fight to reclaim what was stolen from them by banks subsidised by my taxes.

Gray Dourman  

Tuesday, 8 November 2011


        There are few things in this life more frustrating than working with others, particularly musicians, but one of them is definitely working on your own.  All you hear are the echoes of your own mistakes.  We are not designed to live in isolation, locked away from the working world.  The life of the rich becomes distorted because they do not see that they are linked and at one with the rest of us.  Their vain attempts at charity do nothing but increase their isolation through pity.  Let's take away their wealth once every ten years.  Let's say every ten years everyone's assets must be returned to the community.  Hey, hey, wadda ya say!

Gray Dourman

Friday, 4 November 2011


Good on you George the Greek for hanging on...I just hope someone can find something other to say than Italy's the problem...apparently Europe has enough money to bail itself out but wants someone else to risk the cash...and to hear Singapore, about the most undemocratic place I've ever visited lecturing Europe on getting it's house in order by repealing social and labour laws is very revealing regarding what the real agenda is...

Gray Dourman

Thursday, 3 November 2011


I see the muscle has kicked in, Papendreou is about to resign.  This is a sorry mess for all of us and no victory for Merkozy.  Not that you would know it by the smug look they sported as they glued their heads together with Obama and Cameron.  Too much power, concentrated in one place with too much common interest for my liking.  Jolly interesting story though...

Gray Dourman

Tuesday, 1 November 2011


Hurray to Greece for waking up to the old adage, act in haste, regret in leisure.  The idea of a referendum is absolutely right.   May I go so far as to say that it is possible that this was all cooked up together last week and no surprise to either France or Germany...It buys time...It keeps the "markets" from setting the agenda...after all who are the markets...sure pension funds and savings...whose savings...and who are speaking for those savers...investment managers who have not covered themselves glory thus far when it comes to serving the public good...There is no rush.  Let's see how it all pans out.  Certainly debt is too high...let's make sure everyone knows it...but let's not panic everyone into paying up tomorrow...when we could just as easily pay up thirty years from now...what difference does 29 years and six months make to the affairs of man.

Gray Dourman

Wednesday, 26 October 2011


Every time is see Christine LeGarde moving among the European leaders I am reminded of the time the IMF bailed out Indonesia so that the American banks could demand repayment of loans they had pumped into South East Asia to create the bubble in the first place leaving innocent taxpayers and the bewildered population to repay the debt to the IMF...then the American banks took the money and pumped it into the U.S. housing market to create another bubble...then took TARP and other funds and pumped them into European Sovereign  debt...are we seeing the pattern Noam Chomsky identified when he said..."all efforts to try to centralise power in a world economic system geared towards insulating that policy is insulated from politics...ensuring that the general population of the world have no role in decision making and that the level of policy planning is raised to be so remote from people's knowledge and understanding and input that they have absolutely no idea about the various decisions that are being made that will affect their lives and certainly couldn't influence them if they did."...Politics give voice to the people who must live with the consequences of political decisions...who is it that is demanding decisions be made "now"....not least not the politicians involved in the Eurozone debt debate...but the market...who trusts the markets...not me.

Gray Dourman

Thursday, 20 October 2011


Get on with decisive...fix it now!  Well all you market jackass traders, there is no rush.  It isn't your money on the's belongs to all the people of the world.  Wealth was created out of the resources of the earth and that earth belongs to all people.  This lie you repeat over and over, that you, the investment and asset managers are acting on behalf of your shareholders is a heinous misrepresentation.  You act on behalf of the world you inhabit and the world your children will inhabit.  Europe must have time to resolve its issues democratically, in consultation with all its constituents.  The investment community is acting like a mob at the doors of the central banks...calling for its bread.  Act in haste...repent in leisure.

Gray Dourman  

Wednesday, 19 October 2011


Two pictures.  Two stories.  Who says the occupy protests are vagabonds with no discernable objective?  A media centre and legal advice amid the tents and canteens indicate a modicum of organisation.  They have a message.  Clearly stated in the only banner of any size right in front of the grand columned portico and entrance to an important shrine to tolerance and charity. 

Huh, how come there aren’t a lot of competing and confusing messages?  These are anarchists aren’t they?  I accept that maybe many are acting on pure instinct.  They know something is wrong but don’t know exactly what.  Arab springish sort of thing.  Sure some of it is social.  Looked like a lot of fun to me.

Whatever the discomfort and confusion…here is one lucid quote…

“Why is the Bank of England spending billions buying bad assets from banks so that bankers can decide which businesses and individual to support through loans whereas if the government distributed those billions to individuals through entitlements and socially positive programmes such as education or recreation, the people could then spend the money and thereby decide what businesses to support.  Bankers would then have a better handle on what businesses are likely to be a good bet to repay credit and those which are not.”

Many years ago, well not so many, early 90s, the government of the day privatised a savings bank called TSB.  They raised several billion.  The privatised TSB bought an investment bank called Hill Samuel and gave them more than a billion to loan to businesses.  Many bankers and businessmen got rich.  Almost none of the money was ever paid back.  I know something of bankers and trust them very little.

I believe social upheaval is good for people and good for the economy.  Chaos and reorganisation creates opportunity, repression and the status quo limit it.  

Friday, 7 October 2011


Bhuddists will be delighted that cosmologists have definitively, scientifically proved the universe is made up mostly of nothing.  The Bhudda told us that many centuries ago.      


And what about this hair brained idea of giving the banks more money to lending through quantitative easing and credit easing rather than giving directly to people through benefits.  It is the implementation of ideology over common sense.  It gives money to business to provide goods and services to customers that do not have the disposable income to acquire those goods and services.  It seems that those who starved state run economies of resources until they starve to death cannot see the same thing happening to themselves.  Is it ignorance or arrogance?  Occupy Wall Street.

Gray Dourman

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


There is a myth that hard work creates wealth.  Not in my experience.  Nepotism, fraud, the force of arms, especially when applied to the management of cheap labour, the manipulation of the state and many corrupting influences in the affairs of man create more wealth than all the applied endeavours of the educated middle classes put together.  I fully support any movement that would promote a fairer distribution of wealth and opportunity and that would create a greater cohesion amongst all classes and cultures of people.  The Occupy Wall Street Movement is the first signs of mobilisation of a movement that may takes us all further down the road to a state of human equality.

Gray Dourman

Wednesday, 28 September 2011


Ed Milliband's speech to Labour conference yesterday was a demonstration that politics can be about ideas as well as budgets and policies.  It was refreshing to hear a speech that talked more about how he thinks rather than what he wants to do.  If he ever has the power to act, those actions will be informed by how he thinks and feels.  He is a passionate and reasonable man.  His unfortunate appearance should not be a barrier to his effectiveness as a politician but  I wish he was right about Cameron being the last gasp of the old order, but I'm rather afraid he is being overoptimistic.  As long as the greedy, upper middle class continue to manufacture new members through the totally out of touch independent school sector they will continue to disadvantage those classes of people, working, immigrant, poor, who they feel clutter their pristine world of smug self congratulation.

Gray Dourman

Monday, 19 September 2011


There comes a time when one must decipher the difference between admitting that however much effort is invested in an endeavour, the outcome is unlikely to be successful and the adage that winners never quit.  And here is the rub, both can be perceived as foolish.  Who wants to be taken for the fool?  Why would anyone beat a dead horse?  But there it is...the unlikeliest heroes emerge from the muck and blood of the battlefield to raise the flag of victory and transform the dynamic of many lives...for the better...and better the fool than the dead...the dead of spirit...the dead of intellect...the dead of compassion and inspiration...

I see the end and the end is....

Tuesday, 31 May 2011


Having just viewed the second instalment of Adam Curtis's wonderful film All Watched Over By Loving Machines...I am more convinced than ever that this man's research and viewpoint bears attention.  Much of what he illustrates and discusses has been central to my life and times not to mention uppermost in my mind.  I always wondered why people's instinctive behaviour consistently contradicted best advice and that the very effort of following best advice usually negated the intention of the advice in the first place.  I am of the view that the instinctive behaviour of the species is best suited to its survival.  If we had been controlled and careful regarding the environment we'd all be living like the Amish.  It is our instinct to consume, to assert our dominance over others, to pollute, to destroy, to question, to build, to believe, to celebrate and to die while others live on.


Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Adam Curtis Genius Film Maker and Social Commentator

I saw Watched Over by Loving Machines the other night and I cannot get it out of my mind.  I am over sixty.  I worked for more than twenty five years in the Financial Services industry in the City of London and before that I was a journalist.  I am not stupid or naive and I read and watch financial and geopolitical news incessantly.  Adam Curtis demonstrated to me that I am however, ignorant.  His ability to tie together difficult to connect events is astounding and though I am yet to be convinced his proposition is correct, he has set me on a path of inquiry that is all at once entertaining, educational and enlightening.  I am grateful to this extraordinary man.

Monday, 21 March 2011


This is a hard time.  So many world issues, so many domestic troubles.  So much confusion, so little clarity.  I try explaining, even to myself, how the establishment of a no fly zone over Libya isn't colonial patronage or regime change.  I thought we understood how to handle issues of emerging democracy differently.  How will Chavez in Venezuela explain America's 112 Tomahawk missiles on Tripoli as a peacekeeping action?  How is this protecting Libyian civilians? What, there is no chance 112 missiles will hit a civilian?  Oh I see, the only civilians we have to protect are the anti Gadaffi civilians.  Pro Gadaffis don't count.

This action is regime change and attempted assassination both specifically forbidden by U.S. law.  He will say don't believe America and many who have no reason to love America will believe him.  Nobody believes that France and the U.K. are anything but American stooges complying with Washington in order to make up for past slights.  Opposition to the invasion of Iraq and the premature withdrawal from Basra as being two to the most obvious.    How can we be engaged in military adventures all over the Arab world and be surprised that much of the world sees Nato as an instrument of American imperial aspirations.  I'm confused.

Gray Dourman

Monday, 21 February 2011


The idea that we need a figurehead, a monarchy, however benign and well meaning is outdated.  People do not need to be told what to do.  They know. However unpredictable the outcome of their actions may be, humanity belongs to all of us and all of us have a part to play in its destiny.  The overwhelming desire to take to the streets is not some anomaly in human behaviour.  It is the legitimate and instinctive wisdom of individual members of the species to influence the direction and destiny of the human story.  Where once kings were made, now they can be unmade.  What does it tell the world that Britain, a modern democratic state, still bows to a monarch.  Before very long, Britain will be the backward country, overtaken by history and the compulsion of ordinary people to have a voice in how they live and what they think.

Gray Dourman   

Tuesday, 8 February 2011


This is an old picture of Port William in Wigtownshire, a little seaside village, in the South West corner of Scotland, near Newton Stewart, near Wigtown, where Christianity is thought to have landed in Britain from Ireland, near where they drowned the Covenentor martyr, Margaret Wilson. If you arrived there this afternoon you would find it little changed. It has internet access and the cars are up to date, but everything else, has remained about the same throughout the three hundred years the generations of my family have walked along the walked along the seawall and pulled their coats around their chests to protect themselves against the fierce, cold winds that blow across Luce Bay.


When somewhere or someone discovers their essential nature and likes it, they see little need to change. Change is usually forced on us from without rather than within. Some of that change helps us to grow and prosper. Some of it destroys the past we know and understand.

Let us not therefore decry meddling...we are all in this together...the world belongs to all of us.

Speak up for the democratic movement. Speak up for the people of the streets no matter where in the world those streets run.

Speak up.

Gray Dourman

Wednesday, 19 January 2011


The project underway to reclaim the Mesopotamian Marshes in southern Iraq must be among the most important expressions of human optimism in history. These glorious wetlands destroyed by Saddam in the craziness of the 90s spurred on by the war on his own people and Iran are certainly deserving of our attention and care. They are an essential refuge for birds, fish, amphibians and people. They are a precious world resource. in time these wetlands will be among the greatest natural attractions for ecotourism in existence, a treasure for all of us and an incentive for stability among the Iraqis who are due for a break.

I implore you to join Nature Iraq