Nations states are as corrupt as collaborative alliances. Corruption and fudging the rules is part and parcel of politics so we just have to challenge when we can and live with it when we can't. So here is the way I see the emergence of collective human politics and the extinction of the nation state.
I hate to say it, but I have to agree with Sarkozy, the fraud and greed which caused this economic crisis was not overregulation but under-regulation and regulation constrained by national borders. Had Greece been audited by functioning Euro bureaucracy it never would have got into the Euro in the first place. It was audited and it balance sheets submitted by a London/NewYork alliance of private interest in the name of Goldman Sachs and KPMG supported by Moodys the very institutions our Mr. Cameron is seeking to protect. Doesn't he smell just as bad as lying Eurocrats.
1. Globalisation and the interconnection of economies and communications stimulates homogenisation of rules and transactions. Look at how tax avoidance regimes have been identified and pressured over the past two years. Within a decade tax avoidance facilitated by national borders with have all but eliminated.
2. At the same time, while macro economy societies emerge diversified micro social societies emerge through communications and specific groupings of interests supported by social networking facilitated through technology.
The outcome: more economic union and more cultural diversity.
We were warned at the beginning of this decade that globalisation would have a price, but it would be a price worth paying. I am hurting hard through this mess but I believe the hurt will sort itself and the world will emerge more unified and better off as per the distribution of wealth and the quality of life and more diversified where language, music, art and independence of thought are encouraged. After that we can get on with understanding and putting the Higgs Boson to work.
Gray Dourman
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