expert blog reviews

Friday, 2 December 2011


The smugness and arrogance of privilege as expressed by the likes of Cameron, Osborne and Clarkson, not to mention Murdoch, Hague, Duncan-Smith and Green when sympathy and excuses are muttered over the fall of fat cats like Fox who fed his friends from the coffers of the land, the same 'Little Britons' who spread the scurrilous idea that we face economic crisis because working people in Britain want too much and don't work hard enough, is a blight on democracy.  The collective delusion that austerity ever fixed anything is ridiculous.  Show me that  hunter gatherers survived when they stopped hunting and hunkered down in their caves to save energy in the vain hope that available game would wander by when the weather got better.  Anthropology shows that the successful strategy is some hunkering and some seeking.  The conservative ideology is wedded to austerity because they know their pockets are deeper than those of working people and they can starve those workers back into slavery.   Working people tossed monarchy out of America and France.  Working people fought Germany and Japan.  Working people will prevail if they remember that they created the wealth and  take democratic steps, which includes free assembly and the right to strike, to protect the right to a say on how it is spent.

Gray Dourman  

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