The posture, tone and statements made of David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, in China over the past week demonstrate in no uncertain terms how low we must now bow to the God of consumerism. Volume. More TVs, more songs, more clothes, more cars, more...more...more...and to get more lets us enslave and trample the rights of millions. Let us relegate them to urban prisons, teach them to work endless hours for miserable remuneration, blight their lives with hopes that their children with live better lives than they. Let us sacrifice the principals that our fathers and mothers and their fathers and mothers fought for, died for, suffered for, so that we can buy yet another piece of plastic, another cashmere jumper, another fake Fender guitar. Come on lets do it. Better yet, lets take a crap job at subsistance wages so that those who are lucky enough to control sufficient capital now can take care of their children, send them to expensive independent schools where they can meet expensive friends whose families control capital and recommend that we bow to the totalitarians and keep our mouths shut so that we can buy just one more television to watch us bow and zip our lips one more time.
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